
The Registry, McKee Barracks, Dublin 7.


353-(0)1-677 7853


Plantation of Ulster Centre

Long Business Description

Interactive museum and heritage centre which explains the military and political background to the Ulster Plantations. Following the defeat of the nine years insurrection, the submission of the major Gaelic lords during the early 1600s and the ‘Flight of the Earls’ in 1607 the Crown confiscated land in Donegal, Tyrone and Fermanagh and granted it to English and Scottish planters.

50 High Street
Co. Derry .

Open Times:
Easter-September: Monday-Saturday - 10.00am-5.00pm - Sunday - 1.00pm-5.00pm.
October to -Easter: Monday to Friday - 10.00am-4.00pm.
Admission charged.

Business Phone Number
028 7962 7800
Business Fax
028 7962 7732